Pre-Disposing Factors:
a. Trauma
b. Osteoporosis
Dietary Suggestions:
a. Increase quality proteins and complex carbohydrates and raw foods.
b. Increase caloric intake for two to four weeks.
c. Sip 2 to 3 oz. (1 mouthful) of distilled or filtered water every 30 minutes, while awake, daily (no well water or water containing fluoride or chlorine); more if you are perspiring.
Primary Nutrients:
1. BIO-MULTI PLUS Iron Free – 1 tablet, 3 times daily after meals.
2. BIO-C PLUS 1000 – 1 tablet, 3 times daily after meals.
3. M S M POWDER – 1/2 teaspoonful 2 to 4 times daily depending on the severity of symptoms. NOTE: Always take MSM with your Vitamin C.
4. BIOMEGA-3 – 4 capsules, once daily after a meal.
Specific Nutrients: You may discontinue the Specific Nutrients after 6 weeks.
5. INTENZYME FORTE – 5 tablets, 4 times daily on empty stomach until any swelling and discoloration abates.
6. OSTEO-B-PLUS – 3 tablets, 3 times daily with meals for 10 days, then 2 tablets, 3 times daily until healing is complete.
(Excerpted from Healthy Self: The Guide to Self-Care and Wise Consumerism)
Bones break when stressed. An arm, leg or finger, like a tree limb twisted in the wrong direction, hit too hard or crushed by accident, can splinter and snap. It is important to remember that our bones are the main structure of our body, with that being said when there is an injury it could affect us in many ways, and our bodies won’t be able to function as they should. Bones increase in length because of growth plates in the bones called epiphyses, which is what helps us when growing.
You may think that the body’s 206 bones are as dry and lifeless as a dead tree branch. Not so. Bones are made up of living tissue. New bone is added and old bone is broken down daily. This nonstop process continues from our first year until we hit 35 years. At about this age, our bones gradually start to thin as the building process slows down.
There are different kinds of broken bones. Some are called “greenstick” fractures because on the X-ray, the barely visible fracture resembles the pattern of a very young splintered twig. Other breaks are more complicated. Sometimes the bone protrudes through the skin and is called an open fracture. Other times, the bone may separate partially or completely from the other half. Bones can also break in more than one place.
Bones in children are more pliable and resilient than those in adults. In most cases, children’s bones are still growing, especially the long bones of their arms and legs. Damage to the ends of these bones should be monitored carefully because of the risk of stunting the bone’s growth.
Bones in some senior citizens become dangerously thin with age. Many postmenopausal women and some elderly men suffer from osteoporosis, a condition in which the bones after age 35 begin losing their ability to absorb calcium from the blood. The bones in people with osteoporosis become brittle and break easily. The female hormone estrogen protects women from osteoporosis until they pass through menopause. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) may help somewhat after menopause.
Broken bones need immediate treatment. Not only are they intensely painful, but also unless properly cared for, broken bones may cause future deformities and limited movement.
Make sure you and your child wear appropriate protective gear, such as shoulder pads, knee pads, and a helmet, etc., during sporting and recreation events.
Check that everyone in the car is wearing a seat belt. Don’t start the engine until everyone has buckled up.
If you or your child likes to roller-blade, these tips may prevent injury, if you need further tips visit the Chiropractor In Miranda area.
* Always wear a helmet, elbow and knee pads and wrist guards.
* Skate on smooth, paved surfaces.
* Avoid skating at night.
* Learn how to stop.
If you are a postmenopausal woman, talk to your physician about hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and:
* Exercise. Moderate, weight-bearing exercise such as walking, aerobics and dancing increases bone mass.
* Eat calcium-rich foods such as low-fat milk products, sardines, broccoli and calcium-fortified foods, such as juices, cereals and breads.
* Take calcium supplements if necessary.
* If you smoke, quit. If you drink, limit the amount.
Self-Care Tips
All broken bones require a doctor’s attention. Do not try to set a broken bone yourself or try to push a protruding bone back under the skin. However, you may need to immobilize the injured limb until you get medical attention.
* A splint is a good way to immobilize the affected area, reduce pain and prevent shock.
* Effective splints can be made from rolled-up newspapers and magazines, an umbrella, a stick, a cane and rolled up blankets. Place this type of item around the injury and gently hold it in place with a necktie, strip of click,or belt. The general rule is to splint a joint above and below the fracture.
* Lightly tape or tie an injured leg to the uninjured one, putting padding between the legs, if possible. Tape an injured arm to the chest, if the elbow is bent, or to the side if the elbow is straight, placing padding between the body and the arm.
* For a broken arm, make a sling out of a triangular piece of cloth. Place the forearm in it and tie the ends around the neck so the arm is resting at a 90 degree angle.
* Check the pulse in the splinted limb. If you cannot find it, the splint is too tight and must be loosened at once.
* Check for swelling, numbness, tingling or a blue tinge to the skin. Any of these signs indicate the splint is too tight and must be immediately loosened to prevent permanent injury.
* Keep the person quiet to avoid moving the injured area.
* Apply ice to the injured area to help reduce swelling and inflammation.
* Take aspirin, (avoid if bleeding) ibuprofen or naproxen sodium to reduce pain and swelling. Acetaminophen will help the pain, but not the swelling. [Note: Do not give aspirin or any medication containing salicylates to anyone 19 years of age or younger, unless directed by a physician, due to its association with Reye’s Syndrome, a potentially fatal condition.]